The New York Times published an article titled, “Regulate Quality, Dosage and Purity of Kratom.” The article reads in part as follows;
“Kratom was used for centuries by manual laborers for its analgesic and stimulant effects. Its active components (mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine) target the same receptor as morphine, which accounts for its historic use as a remedy for opium addiction. But as early as the 1960s, the medical literature described addiction among people who compulsively ate kratom throughout their day.
Unfortunately it falls under loose regulations for dietary supplements. But making it a restricted drug would harm scientific development.
In recent years, kratom — as plant material, tea and extracts — has become increasingly available over the internet. On forums like Bluelight, chronic opioid users described how it decreased their craving for opioids, eased withdrawal symptoms and helped them abstain from heroin.
There is promise in the study of kratom and its alkaloids. Mitragynine appears to lessen pain without suppressing breathing. An effective pain medication that does not pose that possibly lethal side effect offers a valuable scientific advance.
Unfortunately, placing kratom (and its active components) in Schedule I status will dampen scientific development and potentially delay the creation of useful new medications.”
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