Improving Regulatory Inpact Analysis Through Process Reform

Editor’s Note:  The complete testimony is available as a pdf here.

From: Mercatus Center/George Mason University

Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee

Jerry Ellig

Good morning Chairman Brady, Vice Chairman Klobuchar, and members of the committee. Thank you for inviting me to testify today.

I am an economist and research fellow at the Mercatus Center, a 501(c)(3) research, educational, and outreach organization affiliated with George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia. I’ve previously served as a senior economist for this committee and as deputy director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission. My principal research for the last 25 years has focused on the regulatory process, government performance, and the effects of government regulation. For these reasons, I’m delighted to testify on today’s topic.

Eliminating Unnecessary and Costly Red Tape Through Smarter Regulations

From: Brookings

By: Michael Greenstone

[Brookings] Editor’s Note: On June 26, 2013, Hamilton Project Director Michael Greenstone testified before the Joint Economic Committee about strategies to improve the government’s regulatory system. Below are his prepared remarks:

Thank you Chairman Brady, Vice Chair Klobuchar, and members of the Joint Economic Committee for inviting me to speak today.

My name is Michael Greenstone, and I am the 3M Professor of Environmental Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Director of the Hamilton Project, and a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.  My research focuses on estimating the costs and benefits of environmental quality, with a particular emphasis on the impacts of government regulations.

GAO Recommends Reduced Reporting by Cable Industry

Editor’s Note: A newly released  GAO report recommended that FCC-mandated reporting by cable companies be reduced.  The following is the an excerpt.  The complete report, “VIDEO MARKETPLACE: Competition Is Evolving, and Government Reporting Should Be Reevaluated” is available here.

In our review of the video competition reports, we saw little change in the reported findings from year to year; therefore, less frequent reporting could allow for continued measurement of industry performance while reducing the burden on FCC and industry participants.


“it is career bureaucrats who know, better than anyone else, what works and what doesn’t”

Editor’s Note:  The following is the final and most important recommendation from the testimony of Elaine Kamarck, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  The complete statement, Lessons for the Future of Government Reform, is available here.

Moving Forward with Regulatory Lookback

Editor’s Note:  The insightful and valuable article below on retrospective regulatory review analysis makes a statement which requires clarification.  Specifically, the regulatory review function in the 1970s was far from “ad hoc and largely unmanaged.” To the contrary, as the history of pre-OIRA regulatory review explained, the Quality of Life Review (QLR) regulatory review process under President Nixon,