Cost-Benefit Analysis Prevents Errors in Environmental Regulatory Decisions

Editor’s Note: Gabriel Wedy is a Brazilian Federal Judge, PhD and Master in Law.  He is also a Visiting Scholar at Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School – USA and a Professor of Environmental Law Coordinator at the School of Magistratura- Esmafe / RS. The text below has been translated. Judge Wedy’s original Portuguese text of  is available here.

From: Consultor Jurídico

Por Gabriel Wedy

Midnight Regulations Illustrate Larger Problems with the Regulatory Process

From: Mercatus Center | George Mason University

Jerry Ellig

Midnight Regulations Have Lower-Quality and Less Transparent Analysis

The phenomenon known as “midnight regulation”—a surge of regulation that occurs at the end of presidential terms between Election Day and Inauguration Day—is well documented. The Obama administration could issue 50 or more midnight regulations before the president leaves office. One major concern with midnight regulations is that they will be ineffective or excessively costly, because they are not thought through as carefully as other regulations.

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Focus on Regulation, Not Just Legislation

Editor’s Note: The Department of Education’s use of evidence is governed by the Data Quality Act and OIRA’s implementing Information Quality Guidelines. Education’s Department-specific guidelines may be found here, OIRA’s “Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review”is available here.

From: Education Week

Note: This week, Deven Carlson, an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Oklahoma University, is guest-blogging. His work explores education policy and politics.


If There’s No Such Thing as Medical Marijuana, How Do We Have Medical Marijuana?

Editor’s Note: For a discussion on how medical marijuana could be responsibly regulated, see the Keynote address from the 2014 National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference here.

From: Notice & Comment | A Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

by Sam Halabi

This week, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) responded to petitions requesting a redesignation of marijuana for the benefit of scientific research. The DEA refused, citing, somewhat tautologically, the fact that there are no scientifically valid and well-controlled clinical trials demonstrating benefits for certain modalities of marijuana for specific medical indications.  DEA affirmed marijuana’s continued status as an illicit schedule I controlled substance.

Review: Pasachoff’s The President’s Budget as a Source of Agency Policy Control, by Jim Tozzi

From: Notice & Comment | A Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

by Guest Blogger

[Editor’s Note: This is Jim Tozzi’s review of Eloise PasachoffThe President’s Budget as a Source of Agency Policy Control, 125 Yale Law Journal 2182 (2016), which originally appeared here.  Jim Tozzi served as a career regulatory official in five consecutive Administrations and was instrumental in the establishment of centralized regulatory review.]

Scientific Stewardship in the Open Data and Big Data Era — Roles and Responsibilities of Stewards and Other Major Product Stakeholders

From: D-Lib Magazine

Ge Peng1, Nancy A. Ritchey2, Kenneth S. Casey2, Edward J. Kearns2, Jeffrey L. Privette2, Drew Saunders2, Philip Jones3, Tom Maycock1, and Steve Ansari2