A Letter from a Concerned Citizen Re: Kratom

Editor’s Note:  Informed comments from concerned citizens have an impact on regulators.

 From:  James

I am an excellent teacher with a master’s degree in education, two beautiful sons, a loving wife, a great house in suburbia. I never miss a day of work because my students need me and I love my job.

CFPB Regulations Subject to OMB Review? Why Not?

Representative Hensarling  sent a letter to OMB regarding its jurisdiction over CFPB rulemaking as a result of the recent Circuit Court ruling on the same; see( hensarling-cordray )

Well, the American Bankers Association has a different view.

CRE has been a long time advocate of bringing the independent agencies rulemaking under the jurisdiction of OMB.

Obviously the final call will be made by the incoming Administration who could  be in sync with the American Bankers Association.



The 340(b) Program: A Profit Center for Pharmacies and Hospitals

In 2003  the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE) issued a report on the  340(b) program in which it stated:

Drug diversion, and the intertwined crimes of adulteration and counterfeiting, is a widely recognized threat to public health. Drug diversion occurs when prescription pharmaceuticals do not follow the proper distribution chain from manufacturer to patient.

OPA has not established regulations requiring 340B entities to report on their transactions or otherwise demonstrate that all of the specially-discounted medications were used only on patients allowed by the law despite concerns expressed to the agency that failure to institute such requirements could lead to drug diversion.