An Open Invitation to Explore the Mandates Which Govern the Management of the Administrative State

An excerpt from an article published on the website of the American Political Science Association:

Fortunately the Journal for Benefit-Cost Analysis held a forum where a unique group of leading authorities expressed their precedent setting comments on a recommended plan for moving forward on improving the management of the administrative state. The resultant comments establish the foundation for a deliberative discussion on the future managerial mandates for OIRA (Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs- Executive Office of the President of the United States) and the resultant management of the administrative state.

Executive Order 12866

The precursor to Executive Order 12866 is Executive Order 12291.

Read this post to understand the complex history behind these two documents.

Political Science, OIRA and the Presidency

“ Fortunately the Journal for Benefit-Cost Analysis held a forum where a unique group of leading authorities expressed their precedent setting comments on a recommended plan for moving forward on improving the management of the administrative state. The resultant comments establish the foundation for a deliberative discussion on the future managerial mandates for OIRA and the resultant management of the administrative state.”

The above quotation is from an article published on the website of the American Political Science Association titled Management of the Administrative State which was authored by the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness. OIRA, the Office of Information and Regulatory Policy in OMB, has become the fulcrum of the modern Presidency.

Background Materials in Support of a Multidisciplinary Rejuvenation of OIRA

Editor’s Note: This post should be read in conjunction with this page.


Historically three disciplines have studied the functioning of the administrative state: law, economics and political science/public administration.  Unfortunately none of the aforementioned disciplines have focused continually on the management of the administrative state. By management of the administrative state we mean the processes which not only govern how decisions are made but also the processes governing which decisions are made and who makes them.

Influential Articles on the Management of the Administrative State

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