The Recent Supreme Court Decision and the Potential Regulation of AI

The recent decision of the Supreme Court will make it very difficult to regulate AI. In addition, since historically the legal community has been reluctant to take on the Supreme Court in venues outside the court room, the future for AI regulation is dismal.

CRE Recommendations To Address AI

Under Development

AI Library

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE)
CRE Recognition
Regulatory Officials By Adminstration

A number of our readers have requested that we compile a list of references that CRE has reviewed in addressing the possible regulation of AI. In reference to this request we have decided the following:

(1) We will post references to only those documents that we believe deserving of the most serious attention.

(2) We will solicit the views of our readers as to the documents that fulfill the requirement in (1) above. When we post a document so submitted to CRE ( )  we will not identify its sponsor unless requested to do so.

Artificial Intelligence in Weapon Systems: The Overview
CRE:  A must read. What constraints (regulations), if any, does the military impose on AI?
What Are The Lessons Learned From Attempts to Regulate The Social Media?
CRE Editorials
CRE editorials  on  a wide range of topics are in preparation; we welcome your recommendations at  contact@thecre.comIt should be noted that existing resource constraints limit the number of editorials we can produce.
Unfair Artificial Intelligence: How FTC Intervention Can Overcome the Limitations for Discrimination Law
AI By Presidential Administration
Nixon Foundation
Ford School
Reagan Institute
Bush 1 School of Government
Bush 2 Center
A Look Back
Eye Openers
The Vanishing Policy Analysts?
Google Scholar
Google on AI

Questions and Answers

The material on this page is the result of questions raised by the following post:

Can and Should AI Be Regulated?

 Q:  How do I submit a question?

A:   Use this In the alternative you may use the comment section below.

Q: Should a new organization be formed to address this issue?  

A:  No. An interagency tribunal with full time staff provided by federal  agencies and led by a Presidential appointee would take ownership of the issue: Can and Should AI Be Regulated?

Regulation of AI ?: Early Exploratory Paths

For years, we thought Google was asleep at the switch because they did little to expand upon the reach of their search engine as now witnessed by the emphasis on AI which might well be simply characterized as a search engine on steroids. Apparently the corporate strategy was to adopt the conventional strategy of maximizing shareholder welfare not consumer welfare.

New challenges need to be addressed by adopting a range of different disciplines; to this end is there a role for the inclusion of a counterpart to an antiballistic missile system strategy in the development of a system to regulate AI? More precisely, in that AI is being used in antiballistic missile systems how are the resultant ethic, legal and operational issues being addressed in this most critical of systems and are the resultant findings relevant to other systems?

Can and Should AI Be Regulated?

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE)


We appreciate the informed emails we have received concerning the potential regulation of AI.

Central to the comments we have received is a comparison of the  establishment of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the White House Office of Management and Budget to control the growth of the administrative state with a similar program to control AI. In short, should an OIRA type organization be established to oversee AI?

The aforementioned correspondence is in part  related to the critical role that  CRE personnel had in the establishment of OIRA.