October 27, 2011

MSHA’s Special Impact Mine Inspections Result in Hundreds of Citations

From: EHS Today

When MSHA conducted special impact inspections at 20 mines in September, the agency uncovered safety concerns that included accumulations of combustible dust, an open and unsupported excavation hole, nonworking self-contained self-rescuer units, inadequate pre-shift examinations, inadequate testing of electrical grounding systems and more. The inspections resulted in a spate of citations, orders and safeguards against the mines.

Special impact inspections target mines that MSHA deems are in need of �increased agency attention and enforcement� due to poor compliance history or compliance concerns. MSHA began conducting these inspections in April 2010 in the wake of the deadly Upper Big Branch Mine explosion

October 20, 2011

Arch Coal Operations Among Safest in Nation; MSHA Honors Employees of Arch Operations With Two Sentinels of Safety Awards

From: Arch Coal

ST. LOUIS, Oct. 17, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Arch Coal, Inc. (NYSE: ACI) today announced that employees of Canyon Fuel Company’s Sufco mine and Powell Mountain Energy’s preparation plant achieved the nation’s best 2010 safety records in their respective categories, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).

The prestigious Sentinels of Safety awards were presented at a banquet today in Washington, D.C. “The companies being recognized today understand the importance of having effective safety and health programs in place and diligently implementing those programs every day,” said Joseph A. Main, assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health.  “They also demonstrate to the rest of the industry that it is possible to take responsibility for mine safety and health and run mining operations safely every day of the year.”

October 12, 2011

Mine Rescue Contest Results Now Available

The results from the 2011 National Mine Rescue, First Aid, Bench, and Preshift Contest held in Columbus are available on MSHA’s website here.

October 6, 2011

Federal Grants Provide Money for Mine Safety Training in the Mountain State

From: WVNSTV.com (WV)

Nearly $500,000 will be split between two universities and a coal miners union career center to help with mine safety and mine rescue training. 

By Martin Staunton