From: The State Journal (WV)

Cliffs Natural Resources touted a mine safety award for working 34,868 straight employee hours without a lost workday.

Cliffs announced Dec. 14 the U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration awarded Cliffs Logan County Coal’s Elklick Tipple with the Certificate of Achievement in Safety as part of its Sentinels of Safety award program. The Elklick Tipple, where coal is loaded onto trains, received the Certificate of Achievement in Safety for the Large Coal Processing Facility Group for its outstanding safety record in 2010, during which the Elklick Tipple worked a total of 34,868 employee-hours without a lost workday injury.

“This is a significant honor for Cliffs Logan County Coal and the Elklick Tipple,” said Carl Mullins, vice president of operations. “It reflects both Cliffs’ focus on safety, as well as the dedication and effort that the Elklick Tipple employees put into working safely and maintaining a safe work environment.”

“I would like to congratulate the following employees who made this award possible: Vergil Williamson Jr., loadout manager, Shannon Alger, Ernest Bevins, Carey Blair Jr., Calvin Cook, Robert Grimmett, Gordon Hale, Doug Hatfield Jr., William Lively, Roger Malcomb, Stephen Mauk, Roland Morris, Terry Murphy, Jerry Queen, John Short, Chris Thomas, Michael Toler and Keith Thacker.”

According to a release from Cliffs, the award was presented to Cliffs Logan County Coal on Dec. 8 at Twin Falls State Park.

Certificates of Achievement in Safety are awarded to operations that have met all of the award criteria, including: no days of restricted work activity, no lost days due to injury and no accidents resulting in permanent disabilities or fatalities during 2010.

In addition to Elklick Tipple, Cliffs other facilities eligible for the Sentinels of Safety Award included:  Empire Mine Plant, Cliffs Michigan Operations; Concord Plant, Oak Grove, AL; Green Ridge No. 1 and Green Ridge No. 2, which are both in Pinnacle, W. Va.