Displaying posts published in

October 2011

FairSearch.org Urges AGs to Tackle Google Over Antitrust


By Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News

FairSearch.org, a coalition of companies critical of Google’s business practices, is urging all 50 U.S. state attorneys general to investigate the search giant over possible antitrust violations.

The coalition, which includes Google archrival Microsoft, as well as Travelocity, Kayak, Expedia and TripAdvisor, has sent a letter, along with a 44-page white paper, outlining several ways in which it alleges Google is illegally abusing its dominant position in search.

Google’s alleged antitrust violations harm competitors, consumers, innovation, economic growth and job creation, so it’s important for the attorneys general to probe Google’s business practices, according to FairSearch.org.