An NGO best known for filing lawsuits has filed a complaint with the FTC against Facebook claiming that “Facebook is engaging in anticompetitive and unfair business practices in the market for virtual goods purchased in social games through its Facebook Credits terms with game developers.”

The watchdog organization’s blog post about the complaint includes such colorful statements as claiming that Facebook may be “on the road to dominance of all online commercial transactions” and “imagine Mark Zuckerberg’s face replacing George Washington’s on the dollar bill. Or rubbing out all the dead presidents on every bit of American currency.”

FTC Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch has released a Statement questioning the agency’s approach to proposals contained is a preliminary staff report released late last year on protecting consumer privacy on the internet.  The statement was issued in conjunction with a prepared FTC testimony for the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade and the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology regarding the staff report.

Commissioner Rosch emphasized that: