Google, Facebook part of FTC facial recognition technology assessment

Nov 29, 2011

From: Network World

By Layer 8


The Federal Trade Commission has set the lineup for its workshop next month that will examine the privacy and security impact of facial recognition technology.


From the FTC: “Facial recognition technology has been adopted in a variety of new contexts, ranging from online social networks to digital signs and mobile apps. Its increased use has raised a variety of privacy concerns. The FTC workshop will gather consumer protection organizations, academics, business and industry representatives, privacy professionals, and others to examine the use of facial recognition technology and related privacy and security concerns.”


The meeting, which will be held in Washington, DC on Dec. 8 will include a host of FTC executives as well as other industry experts such as Benjamin Petrosky, Product Counsel with Google, Brian Huseman, Senior Policy Counsel with Intel, Erin Egan, Senior Privacy Advisor & Director, Privacy, Facebook, Alessandro Acquisti, Associate Professor of the Carnegie Mellon University and Chris Conley, Technology & Civil Liberties Fellow with the ACLU.


The agency said the workshop will look at many topics including:

  • What are the current and future uses of facial recognition technology?
  • How can consumers benefit from the technology?
  • What are the privacy and security concerns surrounding the adoption of the technology; for example, have consumers consented to the collection and use of their images?
  • Are there special considerations for the use of this technology on or by children and teens?
  • What legal protections currently exist for consumers regarding the use of the technology, both in the United States and internationally?
  • What consumer protections should be provided?

The “Face Facts: A Forum on Facial Recognition Technology” will be held at the FTC Conference Center and is free and open to the public. For more information take a look here.

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