EPA Web Session on Future EDSP Submission Module

EPA is developing a fully electronic, Web-based submission system to handle the receipt of responses to future Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program test orders. On Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 1:00 to 4:00 pm EDT, EPA will conduct a Web-based walk through of the EDSP submission module currently under development and seeking input from potential industry users of the system. The focus of the session is on the functionality of the system, and that specific requirements for test orders will not be discussed during the demonstration.

Three SAPs Criticize EDSP Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay

EPA’s Science Advisory Panel met on July 30-August 2, 2013, to review “Weight-of-Evidence: Evaluating Results of EDSP Tier 1 Screening.”  The SAP has released the minutes of this meeting.  They criticized EPA’s Tier 1 Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay on several grounds, including the following:

“The concentrations of Chemical S achieved in the aquarium water in the AMA were below the targeted nominal concentrations, and there was large variability in the measured concentrations. For these reasons the Panel disagreed with the Agency’s conclusion that the exposure was reasonably quantified. Because of the low solubility and high variability in the measured concentrations of Chemical S, and a lack of information on how the measured concentrations of Chemical S compare to expected environmental exposures, the Panel concluded that the results do not enable reviewers to determine responses.”

Withheld Danish Study Shows No Evidence of Sperm Decline

A recent blog posting challenges the notion that some chemicals can cause endocrine effects that reduce human sperm counts.  This posting is an article entitled My Sperm Is Fine—The Myth of Endocrine Disruption. The study it discusses shows no evidence of sperm decline after 16 years of sampling of the most relevant cohort of Danish males. The article suggests that researchers did not publish the study results because they do not support the researchers’ hypothesis of endocrine disruption.

This article explains that