ACC Center for Endocrine Screening and Testing

The American Chemistry Council operates a Center for Endocrine Screening and Testing.  This Center represents a premier scientific, technical, and advocacy resource for the chemical industry on endocrine issues, particularly in EPA’s EDSP. The wide range of services provided by the Center includes the following:

  • Consortium formation and management through CPTD
  • Interaction on behalf of members with EPA
  • Preparation of Requests for Proposal (RFP) and proposal solicitation from contract labs
  • Scheduling of testing to optimize other scientifically relevant information (OSRI), assay known performance, and limitations of testing protocols
  • Review OSRI to determine whether one or more EDSP Tier 1 screens can be omitted

EPA Provides EDSP Update

EPA representatives presented an EDSP update at the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee meeting on December 5-6, 2014. Among other points, EPA stated the following:
“Based on current pace it could take decades to screen all 10,000 chemicals for potential to interact with the endocrine system.
Recent advances in computational toxicology herald an important ‘evolutionary turning point’ and an accelerated pace of screening and testing.
To address thousands of chemicals for potential to interact with the endocrine system, we must implement a more strategic approach to prioritize chemicals for targeted screening.”
Click here for EPA’s power point presentation.