NAS Report on EPA and NMDR Now Scheduled for May 2014

The National Academy of Science’s National Research Council is reviewing EPA’s draft paper State of the Science on Nonmonotonic Dose Response.  This review has EDSP implications.  For example, some public comments to the Committee criticized EPA’s approach to the EDSP. Committee staff told CRE that publication of the Committee report on its review probably won’t occur until May 2014. The project website is available by clicking here.

EPA Beta Testing EDSP Online Response Module

EPA is developing a fully electronic, Web-based submission system to handle responses to future Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program  test orders.

During the week of April 21, 2014, EPA will be conducting Industry Beta Testing of the response module. This test will allow industry participants to access the test module and provide feedback on the response module prior to the tool’s launch. This feedback will be key to the successful development of this and future electronic submission systems. This beta testing was previously scheduled for the week of March 31, 2014.