NCATS Tox21 Data Challenge 2014

The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) announces the Toxicology in the 21st Century (Tox21) Data Challenge 2014 competition. The Tox21 Data Challenge 2014 is a crowdsourcing competition to develop computational models that can better predict chemical toxicity. The Tox21 initiative is designed to improve current toxicity assessment methods, which are slow and costly.

Registration for the challenge and for more information, please click here.

The model submission deadline is Nov. 14, 2014, 11:59 p.m. ET. NCATS will showcase the winning models in January 2015.

EPA Modifies Second List of EDSP Screening Chemicals

In November 2010, EPA developed a second list of chemicals for screening and draft policies and procedures for the Agency’s use to require testing of chemicals for Tier 1 screening. On June 14, 2013, EPA issued a revised second list of chemicals and revised policies and procedures for screening SDWA chemicals, including the statutory requirements associated with and format of the test orders, as well as EPA’s procedures for fair and equitable sharing of test costs and data confidentiality.