Industry groups weigh in on “grandfathered” status as comment period ends

Julian Pecquet 08/17/10

Federal regulators received a slew of requests for changes to their proposed “grandfathering” rules before the comment period ended at midnight on Monday.

The provision is important because it exempts healthcare plans from certain costly requirements of the healthcare reform law, including cost-sharing restrictions and new minimum benefit standards. While healthcare providers in general have been pressing for tight restrictions — they stand to benefit from the more generous coverage provided under the new law — insurers and business groups argue that flexibility will prevent people from losing their coverage.

NFIB, Chamber Say Grandfathering Rule Is Not Supported By Reform Law

Posted: August 17, 2010

Key employer groups say HHS went beyond its statutory authority in issuing rules setting criteria for revoking a plan’s grandfathered status under the health reform law. Both the National Federation of Independent Business and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce suggested the rules may lack legal standing, and NFIB also said the department based its criteria on “sweeping and invidious generalizations” about policyholders.

PPACA: HHS Spends $46 Million on Premium Reviews

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is sending $46 million to 45 states and the District of Columbia to improve oversight of health care insurance premium increases.

“For too long, insurance companies in many states have increased health insurance premiums with little oversight, transparency or public accountability,” HHS officials say in announcing the grants. “Health insurance premiums have doubled on average during the last 10 years, much faster than wages and inflation, putting health coverage out of reach for millions of Americans and business owners.”

Help Wanted: Comments on Health Reform Rulemaking

To effectively implement the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), federal agencies are drafting rules which will define the meaning, scope, and operation of the new systems and programs found in the health reform law. The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (OCIIO) has released a number of proposed rules that relate to a variety of health system issues, such as coverage for preventive care services and the Patient’s Bill of Rights.

HHS’s Final Rule on Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program Sent to House

August 11, 2010 | US Fed News
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August 11, 2010 Wednesday 10:56 AM EST

HHS’s Final Rule on Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program Sent to House

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 — The House Energy and Commerce Committee has received an executive branch communication from Department of Health and Human Services.

 The program manager at the HHS has transmitted, pursuant to law, [5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A)], the Department’s ”Major” final rule – Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program.