Trump’s Treasury pick will be a key player in financial regulation, relations with China, fight against terrorism

From: Japan Times

A former banker, a congressman or a former captain of industry: President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for U.S. Treasury secretary will send a key message about his administration’s economic plans.

The Treasury secretary’s signature will be on the back of U.S. bank notes, but more importantly the secretary is a key player in financial regulation, guarantor of the world’s largest reserve currency, architect of economic relations with China and leader of the fight against the financing of terrorism.

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Forget Treasury Secretary. This Trump Pick Matters Most to Banks

From: Bloomberg

As President-elect Donald Trump’s hiring spree captivates White House watchers, the biggest banks are laser-focused on a little-known position that’s neither a cabinet job nor the head of a government agency: a first-ever Federal Reserve vice chairman to oversee Wall Street.

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The Regulatory World Won’t Change Overnight

From: American Banker

By Mark W. Olson


First, with a turnover in political party, the Trump administration will enter a White House entirely devoid of resources or personnel. Even the software is likely to be removed from the computers. With transition teams working on issues and appointees, the vetting process is gradual and uneven. The initial focus has been on filling Cabinet-level positions. Second- and third-level administrative positions will likely go unfilled until key Cabinet officials are in place, which could take until at least the spring of 2017.

CFPB Warns Mortgage Lenders And Brokers Of Possible HMDA Violations

From: Mondaq

Article by Damon C. Barhorst and Robert S. Niemi |BakerHostetler

On Oct. 27, 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) warned 44 unnamed mortgage lenders and brokers that they may be in violation of data reporting requirements of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA).

Enacted in 1975, HMDA requires financial institutions to collect data about housing-related lending activity – including home purchase loans, home improvement loans and home refinancing loans that they originate or purchase or for which they receive applications – and report the information to the appropriate federal agency. The data is then used by regulators, including the CFPB, and the public to monitor lending practices nationwide and identify patterns of discriminatory lending behavior. Additionally, the data is used to ensure financial institutions are serving the housing needs of their communities and attracting private investment to areas of need.

CFPB Wants DC Circuit to Revive Probe of For-Profit College Accreditor

From: The National Law Journal

C. Ryan Barber

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Monday urged a federal appeals court to let the agency revive an investigation into an accreditor of for-profit colleges after a trial judge scuttled the probe and scolded the agency for straying outside its jurisdiction.

U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in April said the CFPB lacked authority to investigate the college accreditation process, striking down an administrative subpoena the agency issued to the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. Leon said the CFPB chose to “plow [headlong] into fields not clearly ceded to them by Congress.”