Senior Executive Service: A Lost Cause or a Lost Gem in Need of Rejuvenation?

The top tier law firms have just announced salaries for 1st year associates.

The salary of a first year associate now exceeds the salary of every career federal regulator in the US government. The citizenry ponder why existing regulations allow billionaires to pay only a token level of taxes; little wonder if the federal government can only attract at its senior most levels only those very few extremely qualified personnel who have a passion for serving the public however great their personal sacrifice, a rare find in  the  predominant “Me Only” generation.

Public Inquiry: Law School Curricula– What Type of Educational Background Should We Emphasize When Recruiting Employees to Work With Federal Regulators?

                The Birth of A Legal Doctrine in the Administrative State
The third year of law school is whatever a student wants it to be; why not award a Diploma in Administrative Law to those who wish  take a Contemporary Course in Administrative Law based upon a three component curriculum consisting (1) of an in-depth study of the APA, (2) the ACUS policy directives and the (3) the economic papers published by the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis? (The CRE Archives would augment the ACUS policy directives when addressing centralized regulatory review). We believe the strategy delineated herein is well substantiated by the multiyear research effort described in the post titled  CRE Background Study(2017) but shunned in large part by the legal community. The monopoly powers  granted by state licensing bodies to select professional professions are immense.
We believe the path to “regulatory reform” is not through endless legislative proposals that go nowhere. Instead efforts should be taken to ensure an unbiased mindset of the very influential individuals who educate future judges, members of Congress, their staff and regulatory officials in the Executive Branch by pursing a contemporary curriculum similar to the one identified above.  
Supporting  Arguments

If you are interested in employees who are going to participate in the judicial review of federal rules, then it best you contact the law school of your choice.  However, recognizing that only a minuscule number of attorneys ever enter the aforementioned practice area, as witnessed by the fact that Administrative Law is not on the bar exam, we recommend that you broaden your search. More specifically the super majority of attorneys working on regulatory issues never visit a courtroom; instead they advise on compliance and related reporting and recordkeeping requirements.