In data dispute with Capital One, Plaid stands alone

Editor’s Note: Cross-posted from the FISMA Focus/Regulatory Cybersecurity Forum.

From: American Banker

By Nathan DiCamillo


“CapOne is a leading bank that is highly concerned about its customers’ data,” said Steve Smith, CEO of the data aggregator Finicity. “If they take steps to secure their customers’ data and other aggregators have continued access to that data, then you have to ask yourself what’s really going on there. Aggregators don’t use the same methodology across the board.”


Guernsey: A laboratory of innovation

From: Institutional Asset Manager

By James William

The funds sector has matured and developed into a more sophisticated market than it was 10 years ago. Technology advances and product innovation in new asset classes has deepened the funds industry, creating more complexity as a result. At the same time, over the last decade, demands on jurisdictions have risen in terms of the level of support that needs to be provided, in terms of substance and effective oversight. Guernsey has always been cognisant of this and has evolved in step with those changing times.


US Regulator Asks to Be Informed if Member Businesses Use Cryptocurrency

From: Finance Magnates

Relevant activities include mining and acceptance of cryptocurrency from customers.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, a self-regulatory body of the American financial industry that is subordinate to the Securities and Exchange Commission, has published a notice encouraging its member firms to notify it if they engage in or intend to engage in any activities related to cryptocurrency.

FINRA regulates trading in financial derivatives such as securities, futures, options, and so on. Finance companies in the US are required to be regulated; FINRA is one of the options.

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Fed’s Quarles: Basel Participation Facilitates Tailored Regulation

From: ABA Banking Journal

The U.S. financial system, including community banks, benefits from its regulators’ participation in the Financial Stability Board, Federal Reserve Vice Chairman for Supervision Randal Quarles told the Utah Bankers Association today. The FSB is a Basel, Switzerland-based group of regulators from around the globe that coordinates principles for systemic risk supervision.


A Whole New Regulatory World For Community Banking


From the beginning, Dodd-Frank has drawn the criticism that instead of doing what it was supposed to and targeting banks that were too big to fail, instead it targeted thousands of community banks and credit unions and rendered them, in effect, too small to survive. It has been, according to banking advocates, a law that needed revision since it was first passed.