CRE has completed a study of the contributions of the three disciplines that have traditionally studied the management of the Administrative State:

(1) :Law

(2)  Economics

(3)  Political Science.

  • A detailed reading of the study suggests that the legal profession focuses on judicial review; the economic profession on benefit-cost analysis and the political science profession on the expost analyses of actions taken within the administrative state but none focuses on the management of the administrative state. By management we mean how disparate information from a number of disciplines is melded into a coherent mechanism which governs the substance of allowable actions to be taken in the daily operation of the administrative state.
  • There appears, however, to be a clear demarcation between law and economics on the one side and political science on the other. The legal profession, to a considerable degree,  and the economic profession to a lesser degree are directly involved in the daily operations of the administrative state. On the other hand the political science profession prepares noteworthy analyses of the administrative state but keeps a safe distance from participating directly in specific transactions dealing with the daily operation of the administrative state. We look forward to continued support from our sister firm,  Federal Focus.


NB     ” Old Soldiers Never Die” as performed by the 82nd  Airborne Division Chorus