NMFS Denies Petition to Delist Southern Resident Killer Whale DPS

On August 5, 2013, NMFS issued its 12-month finding on a petition to delist the Southern Resident killer whale (Orcinus orca) Distinct Population Segment under the Endangered Species Act. NMFS listed the Southern Resident killer whale DPS as endangered under the ESA in 2005. NMFS accepted the petition to delist the Southern Resident killer whale DPS on November 27, 2012, initiating a public comment period and a status review. Based on NMFS’ review of the petition, public comments, and the best available scientific information, NMFS found that delisting the Southern Resident killer whale DPS is not warranted. NMFS’ finding and supporting information are available on NMFS’ Web page at: http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/protected_species/marine_mammals/killer_whale/delist_petition.html .

Click here to read NMFS’ Federal Register notice of its finding .



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