ECS Workshop on “Scientific progress on cetaceans and perspectives in the Pelagos Sanctuary”

In the framework of the 28th ECS Conference (Liege, 2014), Pelagos
Sanctuary plans a workshop entitled “Scientific progress on cetaceans and
perspectives in the Pelagos Sanctuary” that will run on the 5th of April
2014 during the all day.

The Pelagos Sanctuary is an international agreement between France, Italy
and the Principality of Monaco signed in 1999 and entered into force in
2002, for conciliating social and economic activities development with
marine mammals and habitat protection, in compliance with a management
plan. With about 87,500 sq. km, most of which lie in high Seas, the Pelagos
Sanctuary is registered as a Special Protected Area of Mediterranean
Importance (SPAMI)The aim of this workshop is to implement an assessment of the scientificactivities on marine mammals conducted in the Pelagos area since itscreation, identify the gaps and perspectives to be developed. Focus will bdevoted on the following topics:

NMFS Preparing SEIS for Fur Seal Subsistence Harvest

The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service NMFS has announced its intent to prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The SEIS will evaluate proposed changes in the management of the northern fur seal subsistence harvest on St. George Island, AK. The SEIS will supplement the 2005 Final Environmental Impact Statement for Setting the Annual Subsistence Harvest of Northern Fur Seals on the Pribilof Islands. NMFS decided to prepare an SEIS because the proposed action would make substantial changes to the action analyzed in the 2005 EIS that are relevant to environmental effects.

Click here to read more.

National Geographic Publishes Good News About Sakhalin Whale Populations

A recent National Geographic Daily News article is entitled: “Study: Planning Can Protect Whales in Seismic Surveys.” This article states:

“Whale experts have teamed up with the oil and gas industry to develop a step-by-step guide for reducing the impacts of noise pollution from marine seismic surveys on whales and other marine species.The paper, published in the current issue of the journal Aquatic Mammals, was the result of a collaboration between scientists with the Switzerland-based International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’s Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel and the Russian consortium, Sakhalin Energy Investment.”


Workshop on Marine Mammal Noise Impact Assessments

On Sunday 6 April 2014 at the upcoming Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, there will be an international workshop on “Introducing noise into the marine environment: what are the requirements for an impact assessment for marine mammals?”

Background: Noise from anthropogenic sources is a pervasive influence on today’s marine environment. It may come from shipping, smaller craft, seismic surveys, pile driving, or sonar, amongst others. Negative impacts have been demonstrated on a wide range of marine mammals although population consequences are more difficult to ascertain.


On Saturday 5 April 2014 (afternoon) at the upcoming Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, there will be an international workshop to discuss current problems faced by aquatic mammals that inhabit Latin American waters. The perspective of the continent’s economic growth and the consequent use and degradation of its rivers and coastal zones constitutes a matter of concern for the conservation of coastal and riverine aquatic mammals. A large set of construction works is planned for the establishment of hydroelectric powerplants, harbours, shipyards and industries on Latin American rivers and coastal bays.

If you would like to present or just attend, please contact: