ECS Workshop on “Scientific progress on cetaceans and perspectives in the Pelagos Sanctuary”

In the framework of the 28th ECS Conference (Liege, 2014), Pelagos
Sanctuary plans a workshop entitled “Scientific progress on cetaceans and
perspectives in the Pelagos Sanctuary” that will run on the 5th of April
2014 during the all day.

The Pelagos Sanctuary is an international agreement between France, Italy
and the Principality of Monaco signed in 1999 and entered into force in
2002, for conciliating social and economic activities development with
marine mammals and habitat protection, in compliance with a management
plan. With about 87,500 sq. km, most of which lie in high Seas, the Pelagos
Sanctuary is registered as a Special Protected Area of Mediterranean
Importance (SPAMI)The aim of this workshop is to implement an assessment of the scientificactivities on marine mammals conducted in the Pelagos area since itscreation, identify the gaps and perspectives to be developed. Focus will bdevoted on the following topics:

–          knowledge of cetacean populations
–          monitoring study methodologies and research technologies
–          impact of human activities
–          identification of critical habitats and key areas
The focus of the workshop is to discuss and propose a series of
recommendations on future studies and conservation of species at the
population scale. The contributions will be collected in a special issue of
a peer review journal, still to be selected.
If you like to propose a presentation, please read and fill the call of

participation, which can be directly
downloaded at  http://www.sanctuaire-pelagos
workshop-dedicated-to-the-pelagos-sanctuary-call-of-participation.  Return it

If you would like to simply attend please contact: secretariat@sanctuaire- <>

Permanent Secretariat

Palazzo Ducale – Piazza Matteotti, 9
16123 Genova (ITALIA)

*Tel*: +39 010 570 22 01 <callto:0033977197714> / *Fax*: +39 010 319 84 36



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