Navy Seeking Research Proposals on Effects of Sound on Marine Mammals

The Office of Navy Research is considering funding research on the effects of sound on marine mammals. Interested parties should review the following Navy message:

“The Office of Naval Research (ONR) Marine Mammals and Biology (MMB) program supports basic and applied research and technology development related to understanding the effects of sound on marine mammals, including physiological, behavioral, ecological effects and population-level effects. Our current program topics include, but are not limited to:

1. Monitoring & Detection
2. Integrated Ecosystem Research
– Sensor & Tag Development
3. Effects of sound on marine life:
-Hearing in baleen whales
-Behavioral Response Studies
-Physiology (Diving & Stress)
-Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (PCAD)
4. Models & Databases for Environmental Compliance

Persons with an interest in obtaining support for their research should review the Marine Mammals and Biology (MMB) program topics and goals (webpage) to evaluate the potential overlap between ONR MMB program goals and areas of interest, and your own research. The next step in assessing the potential for support is to submit to the program a brief (2-3 pages) pre-proposal (also referred to sometimes as a planning letter or white paper). The pre-proposal is intended to be an informal document submitted to the program that briefly describes the rationale and nature of the work to be proposed, the approach to addressing questions posed, and estimates the costs of the research.

Pre-proposals should:

– Clearly and concisely describe the nature and objectives of the work proposed.
– Indicate the amount of time needed to conduct the research.
– Provide an estimate of funds required by federal fiscal year (Oct. 1 – Sept. 30) – if applicable,
days of ship time and class of ship required should be clearly noted, but not included in
your budget estimates.
– Include a short 1-2 page CV for each principal investigator (PI).
– Include complete contact information for each PI, including phone number and e- mail address.

15 April 2015 – Pre-Proposal Deadline”


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