The following press release was recently published:

“The 2nd edition of Humpback whales world congress (HWWC) will be held from July 3rd to July 7th, 2017, in Reunion Island, Indian Ocean.

Please reminder that the deadline for abstract submission is the 6th of March 2017. Click here.

Specific research topics, fields of study, and methodological approaches have been left open intentionally to encourage interdisciplinary exchange. Some of them are: basic and applied research, collaboration programs, management, conservation and implementation of sustainable development policy, economic and social involvement.

The keynote speakers are:

Abstracts Due for SEAMANNS

The organizers of SEAMANNS distributed the following email:

“Just a gentle reminder that the 2017 Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS) will take place April 7-9, 2016 in Beaufort, NC and will be co-hosted by the Duke Marine Lab and the North Carolina Maritime Museum.  For meeting details, information on abstract submission, and to register, please visit here.

Please note that abstracts must be submitted online by 5:00 PM EST this Friday, February 17th.  Early Registration will end on March 11th – we encourage everyone to register early.

Satellites Help Save the Whales ?

NBC News republished the following article by Kacey Demer, which is entitled “How Satellites Might help save the Whales” and which was originally published on Live Science:

“First drones, and now satellites are allowing scientists to spy on whales — for research, that is.

Though they are massive animals, whale populations are difficult to monitor, according to researchers. Drones have been used to capture footage of whales, and now scientists are turning to even higher-flying help. Researchers in Australia are using satellite imagery to track local humpback whale populations, reported the Australian Broadcasting Corp. (ABC).

Vaquita Preservation Organization Seeks Books

VIVA Vaquita Recently distributed the following message:


VIVA Vaquita! (a non-profit organization) is seeking marine mammal books, reprints, monographs, and journals.  Literature can be donated or we can purchase sets of books, reprints, and journals. We compile and then make the literature available to colleagues working on marine mammals, getting it into hands where it will be actively used, and in the process help to raise funds for research and conservation work on the vaquita (Phocoena sinus), the World’s most endangered marine mammal species. Donations are tax-deductible, and we maybe able to arrange pick-up of large libraries (and possibly even to provide some payment for more valuable items). We are interested in issues of Marine Mammal Science only from vol. 27 (2011)onwards.