The following press release was recently published:

“The 2nd edition of Humpback whales world congress (HWWC) will be held from July 3rd to July 7th, 2017, in Reunion Island, Indian Ocean.

Please reminder that the deadline for abstract submission is the 6th of March 2017. Click here.

Specific research topics, fields of study, and methodological approaches have been left open intentionally to encourage interdisciplinary exchange. Some of them are: basic and applied research, collaboration programs, management, conservation and implementation of sustainable development policy, economic and social involvement.

The keynote speakers are:

* Blount, Wild book for data and tool management, USA
* Cerchio, New England Aquarium, USA
* Christiansen, Murdoch University, Australia
* Collins, Wildlife Conservation Society, USA
* Hunt, Northern Arizona University, USA
* Jarman, Univeristy of Porto, Portugal
* Pack , University of Hawaii
* Palsboll, Marine Evolution and Conservation, Netherlands
* Reidenberg, Center for Anatomy and Functional Morphology, New York, USA
* Waples, National Marine Fisherie Service, NOAA, USA.

The members of the scientific committee are:

* Adam, NeuroPSI CNRS 9197 University Paris Sud Orsay, France
* Cerchio, New England Aquarium/ Indocet Consortium, USA
* Charrier, NeuroPSI CNRS UMR9197 University Paris Sud Orsay, France
* Dulau Violaine, Association Groupe Local d’OBservation et d’Identification des CEtaces/Indocet Consortium, Ile de la R?union, France
* Dunlop, Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory, University of Queensland, Australia
* Findlay, Mammal Reaserch Institute Whale Unit, University of Pretoria/Indocet Consortium, South Africa
* Fossette, University of Western Australia/ Indocet Consortium, Australia
* Garrigue, UMR ENTROPIE, IRD / Indocet Consortium, New Caledonia
* Glotin, Institut Universitaire de France, Systems and Information Sciences Lab CNRS UMR7296 University of Toulon, France
* Jaeger, University of la R?union, Reunion Island
* Jung, BioGeMME, University of Brest, France
* Le Corre, University of la R?union, Reunion Island
* Mercado, University at Buffalo, New York, USA
* Palsboll, Marine Evolution and Conservation, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, University of Groningen, Netherlands
* Reidenberg, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA
* Robbins, Center for Coastal Studies, USA
* Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society, USA
* Stimpert, Vertebrate Ecology Lab, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, CA, USA
* Trudelle, Bioacoustics Team, Institut de Neurosciences Paris-Saclay (_NeuroPSI), _France
* Vasquez, Atemar, Asesor?a Ambiental y Tecnolog?a Mar?tima, Republique Dominicaine

Reminder that online early registration is now open. Click here.

The registration fees are:

– regular attendees: EUR 150

– student: EUR 90

Grants will be provided to help the attendance of deserving candidates who ask for financial assistance, please notify in your email upon your abstract submission.

The organizers are:

– CETAMADA association ( [2])

– Council of Reunion Island (

For further information about the venue, submission, and registration, please visit the HWWC website here or send an email to”

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