“IAGC Denounces New Zealand Government’s Decision to End Oil and Gas Exploration”

On April 11, 2018, Nikki Martin, President of the International Association of Geophysical Contractors, today issued the following statement regarding the New Zealand Government’s announcement that it would end oil and gas exploration:

“The New Zealand government’s announcement to end oil and gas exploration demonstrates a lack of consideration for the nation’s energy future and the exploration industry’s long history of safely and successfully coexisting with the marine environment. In New Zealand and around the world seismic and exploration activities have been conducted extensively for over 50 years alongside stable and even thriving marine life populations. Contrary to the characterization that dependence on fossil fuels has held the nation back, access to safe, affordable oil and gas energy ensures citizens’ well-being,provides stable employment and lifts those in poverty.

Additionally, this abrupt announcement does not provide industry certainty but rather disrupts business certainty as investments in the country have been made by companies already anticipating future exploration activities.

Unfortunately, this decision appears to have been made in a vacuum and without consultation or notification to the industry. The IAGC urges the New Zealand government to reconsider this short sighted decision.”

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