Commerce Seeks Nominations for MMPA Regional Scientific Review Groups

As required by the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Secretary of Commerce established three independent regional scientific review groups (SRGs) to provide advice on a range of marine mammal science and management issues. NOAA Fisheries conducted a membership review of the Alaska, Atlantic, and Pacific SRGs, and is soliciting nominations for new members to fill vacancies and gaps in expertise.

Click here for more details and relevant links.



Nominations Sought for Marine Mammal Review Committees

The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce has established three independent regional scientific review groups to provide advice on a range of marine mammal science and management issues.  The Secretary has conducted a membership review of the Alaska, Atlantic and Pacific SRGs, and is soliciting nominations for new members to fill vacancies and gaps in expertise. Nominations must be received by August 15, 2018.

Click here for more details and relevant links.


NMFS Publishes Final 2017 SARS

As required by the Marine Mammal Protection Act., The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service has published final 2017 marine mammal stock assessment reports  for the 75 stocks that were updated. Electronic copies of SARs are available on the internet as regional compilations at the following address: