CRE In the News
Data Quality Act: Response from the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness
The U.S. EPA (2003) agreed with the CRE position and made editorial changes to its atrazine review to clarify that "The revised assessment does not suggest that endocrine disruption, or potential effects of endocrine-mediated pathways, be regarded as a legitimate regulatory endpoint at this time."
Publication of a research article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal does not mean that the research has been accepted as valid by the scientific community and that it should be considered reliable for regulatory purposes.
Under the data quality guidelines, prepublication peer review only raises a rebuttable presumption of objectivity (which encompasses accuracy and reliability), and postpublication peer review may reveal that the data that the published data is not of sufficient quality to be used or endorsed by a federal agency.
Environmental Health Perspectives, January 2004