
Oil Shale Deposits Found in Western Iran (Fars News Agency)

From: Fars News Agency

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Oil officials announced that their efforts to identify unconventional hydrocarbon reserves in the country have led to the discovery of some oil shale deposits in the Western parts of the country in the Ghali Kooh region.


Vernal attorney sues county over closed oil-shale meeting (Salt Lake Tribune)

By brandon loomis

From: The Salt Lake Tribune

A Vernal attorney is suing Uintah County over a closed session it held with oil shale industry officials and leaders of other counties in March to discuss a resolution opposing a proposed federal clampdown on leasing of public lands.

Sandra Hansen filed a complaint Monday in 8th District Court on her own behalf, asking a judge to nullify the resolution that the county subsequently passed and to instruct the county not to conduct more meetings in violation of the open-meetings law.