Promotion of OIRA Teaching Modules

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Jim Tozzi

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness

Publications and Citations

                               Table of Contents
                                 Background Information

Building A Nationwide Constituency for OIRA

A Historical Note on Centralized  Regulatory Review

The Birth of a Regulation in Real Time

Letter to the President of the American Bar Association

Letter to ABA (Oct. 2016)

 Podcast Federalist Society

Beyond Administrative Law

Letter to the Association of American Law Schools

Templates for the OIRA Teaching Module

OIRA Teaching Modules include:

Louisiana State University LSU Module 4 Ed Richards

American University American University Module Jeff Lubbers

Also included is a Non-regulatory Multi-Modular Template

Others may submit OIRA related modules for inclusion on this page by utilizing the comment section below, using the posting mechanism in the right hand side of this page or in the alternative sending material to CRE who will post it.