Three Reasons Why OIRA Needs A Strong Institutional Base

From: Notice & Comment | A Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice


In the performance of this duty OIRA is often maligned by one or more parties affected by it decisions. Unfortunately the nation as whole, which is the beneficiary of OIRA decisions, seldom speaks in its defense.

OIRA recently celebrated its thirty fifth birthday; ORIA@2050 is a program designed to ensure that OIRA is around thirty five years from now and that it is operating free of prejudicial constraints.

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Regulatory Deossification Revisited

From: Notice & CommentA Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

by Jim Tozzi

Every year the federal government decides three major economic matters 1) the amount of money that the government will spend 2) the amount of money it will raise in taxes and 3) the amount of money that it will require the private sector and states, municipalities and tribes to spend on regulatory compliance costs. The first two issues are decided, however imperfectly, through formal processes that are subject to financial limitations. Regulatory burdens, by contrast, are imposed by legislators and regulators on an ad hoc basis without any financial ceiling.

House passes bills to rein in activist influence on regulations

From: Washington Examiner

By John Siciliano


“Basically we are beginning to convince advocates for less regulation that if they continue to place procedural constraints on regulators that although such actions will decrease the rate of growth in the regulatory state it will continue to increase but at a slower rate,” Tozzi said in an email. “The fix is a regulatory budget, which is the key to kingdom. A regulatory budget puts a cap on the total costs that regulators can impose on the public.”

The Year in Regulation: EPA, Health Care Rules Drive Burdens

From: American Action Forum




Both the House and the Senate placed regulatory reform at the forefront in 2015. AAF experts testified twice on regulatory reform last year and four additional times on regulatory oversight. The Senate started serious discussions on a regulatory budget by holding a pair of hearings in June and December, including hearing perspectives from Canada’s successful implementation of a regulatory budget.

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At Last: The Coming of the Regulatory Budget


WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Washington is abound with proposals to “regulate the regulators,” namely placing procedural constraints on the writing of regulations.



The second most significant feature of the regulatory state is the forthcoming implementation of a regulatory budget. A regulatory budget establishes a cap on the total cost regulators can impose upon the public.

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The Coming of the Regulatory Budget

From: University of Pennsylvania Law School | RegBlog

by Jim Tozzi

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) proposed the first regulatory budget proposal and regulatory cost accounting legislation in 1979. Subsequently, a number of Presidents and members of Congress have continued to endorse proposals to create a regulatory budget for the federal government.

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