Support for a Regulatory Budget

Editor’s Note: See A Website Dedicated to the Implementation of a Regulatory Budget.

From: Competitive Enterprise Institute

Dear Members of Congress,

On behalf of the undersigned organizations and our members, we call on Congress to implement a regulatory budget to address the cost of federal regulations, which frequently have an effect similar to tax increases. Like federal spending, regulations and their costs should be capped, tracked and disclosed annually.

Report: Agencies skirt rule reporting requirements

From: The Hill

By Lydia Wheeler

Federal agencies are skirting their legal reporting requirements, according to a new report from the conservative American Action Forum (AAF), which found that 955 rules weren’t sent to the Government Accountability Office in 2014 and roughly 1,069 weren’t reported in 2015.

Under the Congressional Review Act, federal agencies are required to submit a report to Congress and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) with a copy of the rule, a statement about whether the rule carries an economic impact of $100 million or more and the rule’s effective date.

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Senator pushes budget for regulations

From: The Hill

By Lydia Wheeler


The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE), a watchdog group funded by the business community, says Lee’s bill is the only regulatory reform bill it plans to actively promote.


“We’d rather spend our limited time and resources on a mechanism that will control the size of the regulatory state as opposed to slowing it down,” he said.

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A Website Dedicated to the Implementation of a Regulatory Budget

Editor’s Note: Originally posted on OIRA Watch here.

March 2016

It has been thirty six years since the first prototype regulatory budget was created during the Carter Administration; it has been nearly half a century since the concept of centralized regulatory review, a necessary condition for the implementation of a regulatory budget, was developed in the Johnson Administration.

Now is the time to launch the first initiative to implement explicit measures to control the size of the regulatory state.

More specifically  there has been an increased interest in implementing a regulatory budget including what we expect to be  the introduction of landmark legislation.

A Proposal to Create a Peruvian OIRA

Editor’s Note: The following article appeared in the Peruvian newspaper Altavoz and is posted here as part of CRE’s continuing analysis of centralized regulatory review around the world. For more on the topic, see here and here. A translation from the original Spanish via Google is below. The Spanish original is found here.

From: Altavoz via Google Translate

INAER: A proposal for the next Congress by Gustavo Rodriguez Garcia

An agency revitalizing the economy.