Trump tells business leaders he wants to cut regulations by 75% or ‘maybe more’

From: CNBC

President Donald Trump told business leaders on Monday he believes he can cut regulations by 75 percent or “maybe more.”

At the White House with 10 senior executives, he repeated his campaign pledges to roll back corporate rules, arguing that they have “gotten out of control.” A White House spokesman did not immediately respond to a request to elaborate on which rules Trump will target or how the 75 percent was calculated.

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President Trump’s Regulatory Vision

From: RegBlog | Penn Program on Regulation

Editor’s Note: The most important regulatory reform is Regulatory Budget.


If the United States moves toward a formal regulatory budget, regulators will face the challenge of selecting existing rules to review and rescind. President Obama and several of his predecessors already requested that agencies look back at existing regulations to find ones “to modify, streamline, expand, or repeal.” Although President Obama’s efforts resulted in some substantive reviews, regulators often added new regulations and costs rather than trimming them. Does President-elect Trump leave retrospective review in the hands of cabinet agencies, or task other governmental bodies such as the Congressional Budget Office or the Bureau of Economic Analysis with the job of reviewing more than 170,000 pages of past rules to determine candidates for rescission? Regardless of who is in charge, a functioning regulatory budget depends upon a robust retrospective review effort.

This Could Be the Moment for Rolling Back Regulators’ ‘Soft Despotism’

From: Forbes

Henry I. Miller


That’s bad enough, but often regulators don’t bother to go through the arduous, regimented, required rulemaking process; instead, they make policy by issuing documents variously called “guidance” or “points to consider.” Sometimes policies become evident only from agencies’ decisions to prosecute real or imagined transgressions of its regulations, or from the two extremes of inaction or excessive regulatory zeal.


Government regulation doesn’t have to stay stuck in the 20th century

Editor’s Note: The tool for enhancing and streamlining effective public participation in the regulatory process is the Interactive Public Docket. For an example of how an IPD changed a federal regulatory decision, please see the Kratom Policy Forum

From: The Hill

How much does it cost our government to wade through public comments across its vast network of regulatory agencies?
