EPA attacks harken back to Reagan era

From: Marketplace



If it sounds familiar, Trump has imposed his own regulatory freeze. And like Trump, Reagan supported EPA budget cuts to boost defense spending.

“If you don’t want a lot of regulations, don’t hire a lot of regulators,” said Jim Tozzi. . . who oversaw the EPA budget in the early 1980s at the Office of Management and Budget. “So I held them down. And during that point in time, we had a lean and mean agency.”

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Trump’s safe and sane ‘regulatory reform’ idea

From: Fresno Bee

President Donald Trump’s emphasis on cost-benefit analysis is both welcome and hugely important. Some regulations impose significant costs, and the private sector really doesn’t like them. But they also create significant benefits, by helping consumers save money, preventing illness and saving lives. It would be a mistake, and it could be a tragedy, to repeal them.
