Lab-Grown Meat and Traditional Meat Producers Turn to Government to Solve Industry Disputes

From: Interesting Engineering

The battle for space in the American market for animal beef versus cell-based meat is heating up as both sides put pressure on the US government to intervene with regulatory solutions.



In the letter, the authors make it clear that companies like Memphis Meats are merely seeking a shared place at the table, not planning a takeover. “Cell-based meat products are meat produced from animal cells in cell culture. They are an ‘and,’ not an ‘or,’ solution, and the latest in a long history of innovation in American agriculture,” read the letter.

The Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018

From: Lawfare

By Stephanie Zable

After several months of back-and-forth, the Senate and House of Representatives agreed on a consensus version of the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA) on July 23. FIRRMA reforms the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) process currently used to evaluate and address national security-related concerns related to foreign investment into the United States. While originally introduced separately, the bill was ultimately incorporated into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019. The final version of the NDAA emerged from conference on July 26 and was overwhelmingly approved by the House later that day and by the Senate on August 1. The president is expected to sign the NDAA into law shortly.