Archive for January, 2012

Liberal reg reform group snags new director

The Hill

By Ben Geman –

The Center for Progressive Reform (CPR), a left-leaning group that has battled a number of President Obama’s regulatory decisions, has lured a senior staffer away from the Center for American Progress (CAP) to be its next executive director.

CPR on Tuesday announced the hiring of Jake Caldwell, who is joining the group after serving as director of policy for agriculture, trade and energy at CAP, a major liberal think tank.

OIRA Memo — Clarifying Regulatory Requirements: Executive Summaries

Attached is the January 4th Memorandum from OIRA on Executive Summaries.



White House regulatory czar fails to publish rulemaking plan and agenda


When an organization fails to get the little things right, I have difficulty believing they are competent to get the big things right either. That’s the way I feel about the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).

OIRA is part of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), was created by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, and is charged with reviewing certain proposed federal regulations and approving agencies’ requests to collect data from the public. One of OIRA’s responsibilities, as outlined in the 1993 Executive Order (EO) 12866, is coordinating the publication of the Administration’s Regulatory Plan for the upcoming fiscal year. This document is supposed to be published in October to facilitate regulatory planning by affected parties and to make the rulemaking process more accessible to the public.