Archive for June, 2013

Nixon Got It Right

…the same energy and skills which have produced quantitative gains in our economy must be used to improve the environment and to enhance the quality of life.
— President Richard M. Nixon; April 9, 1970
We can and must design a regulatory system that rewards enterprise and ensures that the American quality of life is guaranteed for future generations.
— Coalition for Sensible Safeguards; June 2013

The crucial difference between the former and later statements is that President Nixon, through OMB Director George Shultz, established the detailed management and analytic procedures to necessary to reward enterprise and ensure “that the American quality of life is guaranteed for future generations.”

Regulatory nominee warned about ‘burdensome’ rules

From: Politico


Senate Republicans sought to drill a few messages into the head of the White House’s incoming regulatory czar Wednesday: Beware of “unintended consequences” and “burdensome” rules that hurt the economy.

Those messages were delivered at the nomination hearing for Howard Shelanski, President Barack Obama’s pick to lead the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, a position that is little known outside Washington but that plays a major role as a gatekeeper of new regulations.

A regulations czar to please everyone? Shelanski walks the line

From: Business Journal

Kent Hoover, Washington Bureau Chief

Howard Shelanski walked a tightrope at his Senate confirmation hearing today — good preparation for the balancing act that awaits him as administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Picture3That’s the office inside the White House that reviews agency regulations before they’re issued. It will be Shelanski’s job — if he’s confirmed — to make sure these regulations are based on strong evidence, and that their costs to the economy are considered, along with their benefits to the public.

Precautionary Principle Panel Discussion

From: Regulatory Studies Center/George Washington University

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) invites you to attend a panel discussion cohosted by The George Washington University’s Regulatory Studies Center and Center for Risk Science and Public Health, and the Society for Risk Analysis – NCAC

When: Monday, June 24, 2013 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. EDT

Where: The George Washington University, Marvin Center 800 21st St. NW Marvin 309 Washington, DC 20052


  • Dr. Gary Marchant, Regents’ Professor of Law, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University

The Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis

The White House has released “Technical Support Document: Technical Update of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis Under Executive Order 12866” prepared by the Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon with participation by OMB, OSTP, CEA, CEQ, the National Economic Council, EPA and other agencies.  The document is attached here.  Below is an excerpt. (click to enlarge)

SocialCostCO2-Table 2


The Biggest Supreme Court Ruling You Haven’t Heard Of

By Cass R. Sunstein

The Supreme Court has yet to decide this year’s attention-grabbing cases on same-sex marriage, affirmative action and the Voting Rights Act. But several days ago, a divided court decided Arlington v. FCC, an important victory for Barack Obama’s administration that will long define the relationship between federal agencies and federal courts.

The underlying question was this: If a law is ambiguous, who gets to interpret it? Federal judges or the agency that carries it out? Who interprets the crucial ambiguities in the Affordable Care Act, the Clean Air Act or the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?