Archive for April, 2014

Profile on Sally Katzen: Former Head of OIRA

From: Notice and Comment, A Blog by the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice

by Nina Hart

Notice and Comment Blogger Nina Hart recently had the opportunity to interview Sally Katzen, the former head of the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) during the Clinton Administration. Below she shares insight on her administrative law experience and lessons in leadership.

An Unexpected Path

Popular Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Videos

Editor’s Note:  An OIRA-related YouTube channel may be found here. Below is a selection of the available videos.

    Thumbnail What is the Office on Information and Regulatory Affairs?   The Young Turks
    Thumbnail Michael Fitzpatrick – The Obama Administration and Public Protections   OMBWatch
    Thumbnail “Unfunded Mandates, Regulatory Burdens and the Role of OIRA”   oversightandreform
    Thumbnail Goodlatte Opening Statement at OIRA Hearing   Bob Goodlatte
    Thumbnail Advise the Advisor: Cass Sunstein   The White House

OIRA Makes Much-Needed Improvements to Online Meetings Database

From: Center for Effective Government

by Katie Weatherford

The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), within the White House Office of Management and Budget, recently updated its online database for disclosing meetings with non-government officials, such as lobbyists, trade associations, public interest groups, and other private stakeholders.

This updated database is a welcome improvement over the older, far less useful website for accessing meeting information. Under the older system, users could not search or sort through the meeting logs; instead, the meetings were listed chronologically by agency and sub-agency, and the meeting descriptions were often vague and inconsistent, making it difficult to conduct a thorough search. The new and improved database makes it much easier for users to access meeting information by allowing them to search for a meeting by date, regulatory identifier number, agency or sub-agency, and stage of rulemaking.

Centralized Review of Regulations: Cornerstone of the Regulatory State

Editor’s Note: The following article originally appeared on the Americans for Safe Access website, here. A pdf is available here.

Opening Ceremony

We are proud to announce that Jim Tozzi as our Unity 2014 Opening Ceremony Speaker

Jim J. Tozzi, of the Center for Regulatory EffectivenessJim Tozzi worked for five consecutive Presidential Administrations including service as the senior career regulatory policy official at the White House Office of Management and Budget. Dr.Tozzi was instrumental in establishing a primary cornerstone of the regulatory state–the centralized review of regulations by the White House. He is also the father of the Data Quality Act. Dr.Tozzi has been appointed to the Administrative Conference of the US; the federal agency responsible for overseeing the federal regulatory process.

Obama’s Regulatory Chief: Businesses Will Always Criticize Us

From: Government Executive

Charles S. Clark, Senior Correspondent

Despite the Obama administration’s vow to apply “common sense” safeguards against agency rules that are too burdensome, the business community “will always be critical of regulations when there is a cost,” the head of the White House regulatory office said on Monday.

Howard Shelanski, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, told an audience of sometimes-skeptical progressives at the headquarters of Public Citizen that “President Obama clearly wants to help the environment and protect health, safety and welfare, while consulting with business.”