Archive for September, 2014

OMB Announces Agency-Level Regulatory Partnerships with Canada

Editor’s Note: The U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Joint Forward Plan is attached here.

From: FEDWeek

OMB has announced the release of a U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council “joint forward plan” outlining new federal agency-level partnership arrangements to help institutionalize how regulators for the two countries work together. The plan will remove duplicative requirements, develop common standards, and identify potential areas where future regulation may unnecessarily differ, according to OMB. The plan identifies 24 areas of cooperation that the U.S. and Canada will work together to implement over the next three to five years that OMB says will modernize its approach to international regulatory cooperation….

Serbia has 160 inapplicable [regulatory] strategies – minister


Source: Tanjug

BELGRADE — Serbia has 160 strategies that remain in force despite being mutually non-compliant and impossible to implement, Kori Udovički said on Thursday.

The minister of state administration and local self-government added that the Secretariat for Public Policies has been established “to help solve that problem.”

The role of the newly-established Secretariat is to direct government planning by analysing regulations and to give opinions about their impact, said Udovički, who warned that the process of establishing compliance could be “frustrating and a source of conflict between the Secretariat and the relevant authorities.”
