Archive for June, 2015

Regulatory Working Group Guidelines, Executive Order 13609, “Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation”

Editor’s Note: OIRAs Regulatory Working Group Guidelines, Executive Order 13609, “Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation” of June 26, 2015 is available here. Below is an excerpt.

Executive Order 13609, “Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation” (the Executive Order), calls on the Regulatory Working Group (the Working Group) to issue guidelines on the applicability and implementation of the Executive Order. In accordance with Section 2(e) of the Executive Order, the following guidelines were developed to address a number of responsibilities that the Executive Order gives to the Working Group and to agencies. Specifically, the guidelines provide answers to questions concerning:
  • international regulatory cooperation activities that are reasonably anticipated to lead to significant regulatory actions,

Prepared Remarks of OMB Director Shaun Donovan, Williams Institute Spring Reception

Editor’s Note: The updating of agency policies to reflect the Windsor decision remains incomplete. See here

From: Office of Management and Budget

Posted by Shaun Donovan

[OMB] Editor’s Note – The following prepared remarks were originally delivered by OMB Director Shaun Donovan at the Williams Institute’s annual Spring Reception on May 20, 2015. Director Donovan spoke about driving the President’s vision and budget for a whole range of issues confronting the LGBT community, including homelessness, poverty, HIV/AIDS and expanding and improving LGBT data collection.

May 20, 2015

Prepared Remarks of OMB Director Shaun Donovan, Williams Institute Spring Reception

Moving Forward our Regulatory Partnerships with Canada

Editor’s Note: CRE emphasizes the importance of the U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council’s Joint Forward Plan is our Data Quality Alert on EPA’s analysis of the economic benefits of neonicotinoid-treated soybean seeds. See pp. 12-13 here.

From: The Office of Management and Budget

Posted by Howard Shelanski

U.S. Federal Departments and Agencies together with Canadian Ministries have been working to develop new frameworks for cooperation since the release of the U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) Joint Forward Plan last August. Collectively, these documents outline major objectives for bilateral cooperation over the next three to five years in specific areas of regulatory activity.