Archive for November, 2015


AT Kearney has produced the following chart:

America Today

Inspiring Possibilities

  • Innovation: U.S. technology leads the world
  • Higher Education: 17 of the world’s top 25 universities
  • Energy: America again the world’s largest oil and gas producer
  • Business: Home to 209 of the world’s largest 500 companies
  • Demographics: Greatest population growth of advanced economies

Sobering Truths

  • Government: Historically low public confidence
  • Infrastructure: Requires at least $3.6 trillion investment by 2020
  • Climate Change: Facing a ‘megadrought’ this century
  • Wealth: Income inequality highest in nearly 100 years
  • K-12 Education: U.S. students lagging behind global competitors

WLF Comments to the FDA: Revision of the Nutrition and Supplemental Facts Label

Editor’s Note: The Washington Legal Foundation’s complete Comments to the FDA on its proposal that would mandate including “added sugars” on the Nutrition Fact Panel (Docket FDA-2012-N-1210) is available here. Below is a brief excerpt.

From: The Washington Legal Foundation

Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) appreciates the opportunity to submit these comments in response to the public notices published at 80 Fed. Reg. 44302 (July 27, 2015) and 80 Fed. Reg. 44303 (July 27, 2015). After detailing the interests of WLF in these proposed regulations, we will explain the serious constitutional concerns we have with the added-sugars labeling mandate and the Percent Daily Value labeling mandate. This comment will also explain why the Food and Drug Administration’s failure to comply with certain mandatory procedural requirements, and its flawed reliance on a federal nutrition advisory committee report, are legally suspect.