Archive for July, 2016

Managing Federal Information as a Strategic Resource

From: The White House

by Tony Scott, Howard Shelanski, Anne Rung, Marc Groman

Summary:  Today, OMB is releasing an update to Circular A-130, the Federal Government’s governing document for the management of Federal information resources.

Today the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is releasing an update to the Federal Government’s governing document for the management of Federal information resources: Circular A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource.

How Independent is The Independent Republic?

The Independent Republic  a newsletter we were not acquainted with until it published this article on  Arctic Drilling suggests  that it provides unbiased information to its readers.

CRE merely made a comment  on the aforementioned post calling to the attention of its readers   a letter (Pritzker Letter June 16 i ) CRE sent to Secretary Pritzker. The moderator of the  website decided not to publish the CRE letter.

Unlike the “Independent” Republic, CRE allows all readers with views that may be different from those of CRE to post on its  website; thus the reason it has  a substantial federal readership.

The Independent Republic  states:

Regulatory official grilled on consequences of ‘midnight’ rules

From: The Hill

By Lydia Wheeler

Rep. Tom Marino (R-Pa.) grilled President Obama’s top regulatory official Wednesday on what consequences there will be for federal agencies that try to rush through last-minute rules in the waning hours of the Obama administration.

Howard Shelanski, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, issued a memo back in December advising the agencies to finish their highest priority rule-makings this summer to avoid a burst of “midnight regulations” before Obama leaves office.

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OIRA Emphasizes Importance of Information (Data) Quality in Report to Congress

OIRA 2015 Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations and Agency Compliance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act contains an extensive discussion of the Data Quality Act. OIRA’s Report to Congress is thus a major improvement over the draft report which did not discuss the DQA. In addition to reporting on Requests for Correction and litigation seeking judicial review of agency DQA decisions, the OIRA Report emphasizes the Administration’s “Continuing Commitment to Information Quality” particularly with respect to science data.

Regulatory Reform Subcommittee to Hold Oversight Hearing on Implementation of Regulations

From: House Judiciary Committee

Washington, D.C.  – On Wednesday, July 6, 2016, at 3:00 p.m., the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law will hold an oversight hearing entitled, “Assessing the Obama Years: OIRA and Regulatory Impacts on Jobs, Wages and Economic Recovery.”  The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) is the nerve center of the regulatory state, responsible for overseeing the development and promulgation of federal regulations.

Witnesses for the hearing are:

Panel I

  • The Honorable Howard A. Shelanski, Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

Panel II

  • Dr. Douglas Holtz-Eakin, President, American Action Forum

White House Creation of a New Program to Accelerate Cancer Product Regulatory Review

From: The White House

FACT SHEET: At Cancer Moonshot Summit, Vice President Biden Announces New Actions to Accelerate Progress Toward Ending Cancer As We Know It


Creation of a New Program to Accelerate Cancer Product Regulatory ReviewThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is excited to announce the hiring of Dr. Richard Pazdur as Acting Director of its new Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE). The OCE will unite cancer product regulatory review to enhance coordination and leverage the combined skills and clinical expertise across FDA centers.  Under the Cancer Moonshot, the Acting Director is charged with accelerating the establishment of a program that brings together oncologists across the FDA in an effort to expedite the development of novel cancer-related drugs, biologics, and devices and support an integrated approach to tackling this devastating disease.