Archive for December, 2016

White House Creates App to Track Regulations

Editor’s Note: Cross-posted from the FISMA Focus/Regulatory Cyber Security IPD.

From: MeriTalk


The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) created a smartphone app Wednesday that contains the status of agency regulatory actions.

The app, RegInfo Mobile, is based on the website, which allows users to view current and past regulations, view information about pending and completed reviews of rulemakings, browse the list of past and upcoming public meetings about regulations under review, and view information about pending OIRA information requests.

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No Regulatory Mess for Next Administration: Shelanski

From: Bloomberg/BNA

By Cheryl Bolen



“Yes, we will continue as long as we are here, but the great news for the American public is the really terrific career staff leadership remains here at OIRA and at OMB, and remains in a lot of the agencies,” Shelanski said. “These people will carry the effort forward.”


The OIRA administrator’s role in an anti-regulatory administration could be fairly powerful in the sense that the administrator could get complete backing by the president to either stop rules or require changes to rules, Shelanski said.

Obama Regulatory Chief Rejects Midnight Regulation

From: Bloomberg/BNA

By Cheryl Bolen

Dec. 6 — Cabinet secretaries and agency heads are not trying, nor will they be able, to rush through surprise regulations during the remaining weeks of the Obama administration, the nation’s top regulatory chief told Bloomberg BNA.


“That plan and agenda, I think, shows pretty clearly that the agencies did not add a whole lot of new stuff,” Shelanski said. “There were no real surprises in that regulatory plan and agenda. I think that, if anything, that really highlights the regular order that we have kept.”

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Businesses to Push to Retain U.S.-Canada Regulatory Council

Editor’s Note: For more information on the vital work of the RCC, see here, here, here, and here.

From: Bloomberg/BNA

By Cheryl Bolen


Ingrained Practice

The Obama administration is working to ensure the long-term success of the RCC, Howard Shelanski, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within the White House Office of Management and Budget, told Bloomberg BNA.

“We will continue to work with U.S. agencies and our Canadian colleagues to fulfill the commitments made during this administration and continue to encourage everyone, stakeholders included, to look beyond the end of this administration to establish long-term cooperation objectives,” Shelanski said