Archive for January, 2017

President Trump Signs Executive Order: Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs

Editor’s Note: After thirty seven years we finally have a regulatory budget!

President Trump’s Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs is attached here. Below is an excerpt.

Sec. 3Annual Regulatory Cost Submissions to the Office of Management and Budget.

(d) During the Presidential budget process, the Director shall identify to agencies a total amount of incremental costs that will be allowed for each agency in issuing new regulations and repealing regulations for the next fiscal year. No regulations exceeding the agency’s total incremental cost allowance will be permitted in that fiscal year, unless required by law or approved in writing by the Director. The total incremental cost allowance may allow an increase or require a reduction in total regulatory cost.

Trump’s OMB Pick Shares Vision on Social Security, Regulation

From: The Daily Signal

Rachel del Guidice


“My very distinct impression, from working with the transition team, is that regulatory reform is going to be an absolute priority for this president,” Mulvaney said. “In fact, I think you saw him mention yesterday that he wants to cut 75 percent of the regulations. He is absolutely dead serious about this.”

Mulvaney expressed confidence in the dedication to reforming regulation, stating that he believes Trump to be “the first person to campaign for president on regulatory reform since Ronald Reagan.”

Read Complete Article

Trump’s White House regulations website is down

Editor’s Note: CRE maintains a library of crucial regulatory documents from the Johnson through Trump Administrations. See the OMB Papers.

From: The Hill

The White House regulations website was down Monday, and a number of reports on the costs and benefits of regulations from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) had disappeared.


Those OMB reports on the costs and benefits of regulations can still be found on another government website that archives Obama-era documents. But they are not available on the primary White House website, where they are usually stored.

Bankers in Davos See Trump Making Wall Street Great Again

Wall Street’s high-flyers in Davos, basking in their firms’ strong fourth-quarter earnings, said they’re confident Donald Trump’s incoming administration will loosen regulatory constraints on financiers — even if it leaves Barack Obama’s signature Dodd-Frank Act largely intact

Read article.

Financial Regulation Hit List

Donald Trump isn’t shy to tout his distaste of regulations.

Since he kicked off his presidential campaign in June 2015, Trump has derided Obama-era financial regulations as “bad for business” and responsible for America’s slow-growing economy.

He even promised to eliminate two regulations for every one enacted during his tenure as president.

Most Wall Streeters view Trump’s anti-regulatory stance as a tailwind for the financial services industry.

See  article.