Archive for May, 2017

EPA, Energy Among Few Agencies Complying With Regulatory Order

From: Bloomberg/BNA

By Madi Alexander and Cheryl Bolen

The environmental and energy agencies appear to be far ahead of other federal agencies in complying with executive orders signed months ago by President Donald Trump, aimed at repealing or streamlining regulations, according to data compiled by Bloomberg BNA.


No Word From Most Regulators

Most agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services, which is the top federal regulator, didn’t respond to requests for information from Bloomberg BNA. The Food and Drug Administration referred questions about its compliance to the White House. An EPA spokesperson confirmed its task force would meet the May 25 deadline for submitting its report to the administrator.

White House faces rough road to deregulation as its favorite tool, the Congressional Review Act, expires

Editor’s Note: For an alternative deregulatory tool, see here.

From: The Washington Examiner

by Sarah Westwood

President Trump and his team have touted their extensive use of the Congressional Review Act to roll back Obama-era regulations as a major accomplishment of the president’s first 100 days in office. But their window for using this legislative tool is set to close, and Republicans must find new ways to erase rules put in place by Trump’s predecessor.

OIRA Memorandum For Regulatory Reform Officers and Regulatory Policy Officers at Executive Departments and Agencies

From: Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

May 8, 2017



FROM: Dominic J. Mancini, Acting Administrator
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

SUBJECT: Guidance for Section 2 of Executive Order 13783, Titled “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth”

Section I. Background

This memorandum provides guidance regarding Section 2 of Executive Order (EO) 13783, titled “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth,” published on March 28, 2017.