Archive for June, 2017

Trump’s Comprehensive Plan For Reorganizing The Executive Branch About To Get Underway

Editor’s Note: The most explicit linkage between the fiscal and regulatory realm—and the most successfully enforced regulatory review program—was President Nixon’s Quality of Life Review  which was “conducted by the ‘budget’ side of OMB meaning that those conducting the reviews not only reviewed an agency’s regulations but also its budget, personnel level, information collections and its overall policies to assess, and enforce, their compliance with Presidential policy. In addition the Nixon program granted OMB the authority to review guidance and related quasi-rulemaking documents.” See here.

From: Forbes | Opinion

In Praise of the ‘Deep State’

From: Bloomberg

Trump’s nominee for the office that vets regulations says the right things about career civil servants.

by Cass R Sunstein


A paragraph in Rao’s opening statements deserves sustained applause:

Reading through OIRA’s statutory authorities as well as Executive Orders and OMB Guidance, I have been struck by the consistency of the principles guiding the work of the office across administrations. Perhaps this is one reason so many talented professionals work at OIRA and often stay for many years serving presidents of different parties.


White House Thinking on Regulatory Budget Still Developing

Editor’s Note: See, A Website Dedicated to the Implementation of a Regulatory Budget.

From: BNA/Daily Report for Executives

By Cheryl Bolen


Still Untested

Broadly, EO 13,771 requires agencies to take two deregulatory actions for every new rule they issue. The order also requires agencies in fiscal year 2017 to completely offset the cost of the new rule through cuts in existing rules.

The requirements of the executive order apply to rules finalized in this fiscal year that impose costs. It is unclear whether, or how many, rules currently pending at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) would do that.

Hatch Introduces Former Staffer for Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administrator

From: United States Senator for Utah – Orrin Hatch

Washington, D.C.—Today, Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah—the senior member and former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee—introduced his former staffer, Neomi Rao, to the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Rao has been nominated by the President to serve as the next Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). Senator Hatch expressed his strong support for Rao’s confirmation and also outlined his agenda to further regulatory reform.

Statement on Professor Neomi Rao and regulatory reform: