Archive for July, 2017

Mulvaney is Right to Call for More Money for OMB

From: The Regulatory Review

Expanding a White House office could help shrink the whole federal government.


Concerns about OIRA’s being understaffed are particularly salient in the wake of President Trump’s signing several aggressive executive orders designed to curb over-regulation. Executive Order 13,771, the centerpiece of President Trump’s deregulatory campaign, implements a “two out, one in” system that requires federal agencies to eliminate two old regulations for every new one they enact. The order also establishes a type of regulatory budget, setting a limit on the regulatory costs that agencies can impose on individuals and businesses each year. Executive Order 13,781 followed suit by calling for a comprehensive reorganization of the executive branch.

Trump administration reveals first regulatory agenda

From: The Hill

The Trump administration for the first time is mapping out its plans to cut down on the nation’s regulatory rulebook with the release of its first agenda.

The semi-annual Unified Regulatory Agenda published by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on Thursday is a policy blueprint of sorts for federal agencies.

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Trump administration to reveal which Obama-era rules it’s planning to repeal

From: The Washington Post


On Thursday, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget is planning to release a list of rules it plans to weaken or eliminate. The list will note that 469 proposals that were in the works during the Obama administration have been scrapped, and another 391 have been slowed. The administration is not releasing a full list of which regulations it’s targeting until Thursday, but they will run the gamut from significant policy measures to minor procedural measures, said Neomi Rao, who heads the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Top White House post for Neomi Rao

From: IANS live

WASHINGTON, DC — The Senate on July 10 confirmed Indian American Neomi Rao to be administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).


OIRA has the final approval on all proposed and final rules, as well as government data collections.

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Where is the Regulatory Agenda?

From: Mondaq

Article by James J. Plunkett and Harold P. Coxson | Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart


Speaking of regulations, the administration has yet to issue a Regulatory Agenda, the comprehensive document that serves as the federal government’s forecast and timeline of regulatory activity. The Regulatory Agenda is important for employers because it puts them on notice of potential regulatory changes and provides them with an opportunity to engage with policymakers on issues that may have significant impacts on their businesses. The Regulatory Agenda is traditionally released twice each year: once in the spring and then again in the fall. There are exceptions, of course (in 2012, only a single agenda appeared, issued in late December of that year). . . .

Reformer Neomi Rao Sails Through Senate Confirmation to Become the Government’s Top Regulatory Analyst


Off the media radar, the Trump administration continues serious work on deregulation, with professionals even Democrats praise

Today the Senate confirmed Neomi Rao as administrator of the Office for Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), which is charged with vetting the federal government’s regulatory activities for cost-benefit sanity and recognizable legislative intent. Rao, founder of the Center for the Study of the Administrative State at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, has a long track record of criticizing the accrual of power and latitude at the executive branch’s regulatory agencies (see Christian Britschgi’s detailed report from earlier this month). The vote was 59-36.