Archive for December, 2018

Introduction of business rules slows sharply under Trump

From: Financial Times

Administration is also making progress in eliminating existing regulations

in Washington


Government figures published by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs show that while the Trump administration is making progress on eliminating existing rules, the biggest change has been in the pace of new regulatory actions.

In the first two years of Mr Trump’s term in office, 54 regulations classified as “economically significant” — with an impact of $100m a year or more — have been issued.

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Here’s A Year-End Roundup Of White House And Federal Agency Efforts To Streamline Guidance Documents

From: Forbes


Some revocations of rules or guidance can be quite obscure. In any event, there should be more attention given to reporting and inventorying guidance, best achieved in the current environment by a new executive order focused exclusively on guidance documents.

Interestingly, some of the highest-profile guidance that agencies have withdrawn or revoked did not appear on the agencies’ two-for-one tallies in either 2017 or 2018. In some cases, streamlining may amount to “rules about rules,” or guidance for guidance, whereby agencies rewrite or reinterpret former policy in a manner intended to reduce burdens. But here are some examples:

A $42 Billion Error

From: American Action Forum

Expanding the Scope of OIRA Review

Editor’s Note: OIRA review of independent agency regulations is a regulatory reform which has been publicly vetted for over fifteen years. See, Tozzi, Jim J. and Levinson, Bruce, A Blueprint for OMB Review of Independent Agency Regulations (March 1, 2002). Available at SSRN: or

From: American Action Forum

Douglas Holtz-Eakin

Eakinomics: Expanding the Scope of OIRA Review

The Trump Administration is evidently considering the scope of the regulatory review provided by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Specifically, OIRA Administrator Neomi Rao indicated the administration is considering expanding its review beyond the executive agencies (e.g., Treasury, Interior) to include independent agencies.