Archive for February, 2019

The Many Ways to Gauge Results of Trump’s Deregulatory Push

From: Government Executive

By Charles S. Clark


That view was a polar opposite from the presentation last October from the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, which touted its “acceleration” of Trump’s deregulatory push launched with his January 2017 Executive Order 13771. Agencies, OIRA Administrator Neomi Rao said, had eliminated $23 billion in overall regulatory costs across the government, with 176 deregulatory actions and 14 significant actions. The ratio of repeals to new rules issued was 12-1, OIRA reported, with only 14 new major rules promulgated.

House Small Business Subcommittee Seeks Agency Adherence to Data Quality Act Transparency Requirements

From: House Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight and Regulations

Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27), Chairwoman

This subcommittee will probe the efficient operation of government programs that affect small businesses, including the SBA, and develop proposals to make them operate in a more cost-effective manner.  This subcommittee also will review the regulatory burdens imposed on small businesses and how those burdens may be alleviated.


  • Transparency of the federal rulemaking process as required by the Administrative Procedure and Data Quality Acts.
  • Implementation of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

See Subcommittee Website

Federal Agencies to Establish Regulatory Guidelines for AI Development

From: GeekWire

White House initiative will boost artificial intelligence research and data-sharing


The White House is moving forward with the American AI Initiative, a set of policies aimed at focusing the full resources of the federal government on the frontiers of artificial intelligence.


As a trust-building measure, federal agencies are being asked to establish regulatory guidelines for AI development and use across different types of technology and industrial sectors. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is being given the lead role in the development of technical standards for reliable, trustworthy, secure and interoperable AI systems.

Spring 2019 Data Call for the Update of the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions

From: Neomi Rao, Administrator Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

This data call requests information for the compilation ofthe Spring 2019 Update of the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (“Agenda”). The Agenda provides important public notice and transparency about proposed regulatory and deregulatory actions within the Executive Branch. This process highlights agency priorities, promotes planning and coordination, and encourages public participation in the regulatory process.

Submissions to the Spring Update of the Agenda are due by March 6, 2019. Agencies should be prepared to brief the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) on their regulatory reform priorities.

Cuts to Regulation Are Bringing Back Jobs

From: The Heritage Foundation

An Analysis of Trump’s Policy Proposals in State of the Union Address


Cuts to Regulation Are Bringing Back Jobs


The 50-member staff of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs who review agency rulemaking is badly outnumbered by the hundreds of thousands of regulators who labor daily crafting rules. Congress should expand the resources of the office to improve regulatory oversight, as well as assert more of its own authority over runaway regulation.

—Diane Katz, senior research fellow in regulatory policy, Institute for Economic Freedom

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